Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thank You Notes

a la Jimmy Fallon...

Thank you people in my neighborhood...for turning your sprinklers on in the early morning hours so I can get misted during my morning run.

Thank you local grocery store... for baking aromatic deliciousness to remind me that willpower isn't easy and needs to be continually worked on.

Thank you HR monitor...for reminding me that just because I WANT to run fast, I need to gradually build back up.

Thank you knees...for healing and letting me start to run again.

Thank you RD blog I.T. guy...for putting new mixes up on my blog for people to play during their holiday bbq's.

Thank you forefathers...for declaring Independence and creating a country where we have such freedoms as speech, worship, live and run.

Thank you servicemen, servicewomen, and families...for still fighting and preserving those freedoms for all of us today.

Happy Independence Day!!!


  1. Thank you for writing such a positive post.

  2. Plus one to Char's comment! Great post. And I love your new header.

  3. thank you for sharing awesome music mixes :)

  4. Um, thank you for visiting my Blog today :-)

  5. i LOVE the sprinklers in my neighborhood too!!! i'm still trying to figure out the timing of them, so i can make sure to be running routes that keep me cool in the heat :)

    love the new layout (its been awhile since i've come around). beautiful!!!

  6. Awwwwww seriously.
    This rocks.
    Sad I just saw it.
    Loving it.

  7. And
    Thank you RD for being my dictionary, garmin instruction book, positive influence & come September....5 pound bag of potatoes owner.

    Mash em' woman!!

  8. Thank YOU for being you! :)
