Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Round far...

It has been a crazy, busy, super fun summer.  I am definitely out of the blogger loop, but have tried to stay updated through twitter.  I'm going through the bad friend phase, as in I'm the bad friend not coming around to say hi.  I'm hoping once school is back in I'll be back on a schedule.  A girl can dream... 

It seems that every Thursday I complain about how bad my 800's went and since I tweeted all about that yesterday let's talk summer fun...

Morning runs at dawn.  Walked out my front door one morning and this was literally my view.  Gorgeous.

Last weekend was a Utah state holiday, celebrating when the pioneers settled the valley.  The town we live in puts on a crazy fireworks show right across the street.  Had a little BBQ and fireworks. 

A little family friendly competition of mini golf at dusk.

And how fun is it to dress the dog in a tankini??  Pretty dang fun. ;)

I ran a half marathon with my friend Jessica.  It was her very first half!  She did awesome!  I haven't done one for about 4 years!  19 minute PR!! Nice little gauge to see where I'm at before the big race.  Eeek.

My toddler is currently in the funnest stage.  Still naughty, but hilarious.  He's currently chillin like a villain...

And of course the night wouldn't be complete without a quick push up competition before bed.  He's still working on form. :)

And I'm not sure if you noticed yesterday but @BartYasso replied to one of my tweets... pretty cool.

Hope you're all having an amazing summer too!  Tell me your funnest summer moment so far....


  1. The @bartyasso was pretty freaking great.

    But your chillin' villain - he's stealing the show-fo sho.

  2. GREAT post - loved all the photos. It sure looks like you have had a wonderful summer so far. Mine is almost over as kids go back to school Aug. 8!!! One last hurrah for me & hubby tho - leavin for Cancun tonight!!! FUNNEST summer moment has to be running a virtual 5K ON THE BEACH in Maine - it was heavenly :) :)

  3. fun summer! your little one is too cute

  4. Congrats on the PR. Looks like things are going well in the running department.

    And that boy of yours - way too cute!!

  5. Summer is making me a bad blogger friend as well. While I'm looking forward to school and a schedule, I don't want to wish the summer away either! Loved all your pictures and the catch up! Congrats on your shiny new PR!

  6. Wow, can you post what Bart said? BTW, EMZ's latest post has our pic in it.

  7. Hey, I'm gonna be at "This is the place" on Saturday afternoon. Email me if you want to join us or hit up a brewpub for dinner...

  8. Great half marathon, well done! Love the pic of the dog! I'm in winter so no best summer story from me. My winter training is going well though. Keep it going!

  9. I so need to get on Twitter. I am, but I have no idea my username :).

    I have been so blog absent, I feel bad. Glad I got to catch up on Dawn's summer though!! YAY!
