Friday, September 16, 2011

One More Chance

I'm usually not a quotes person.  But that one's pretty good.

Alright.  Pokey is in the past.  I've got one last shot this weekend for BQ 2012.  Praying that Boston doesn't fill today with the 5 minuters. 

I big puffy heart love Logan.  Best memories there, ever.  So of course, I love the Top of Utah Marathon.  It's either my third or fourth time doing this race.  I can't remember, it's a blur. ; )  But it's a great BQ'ing race.  A lot of downhill once again.  I will pull back a little this time though.  No sub 8's.  I'm going to really try to race this steady, same pace beginning to end.  I've tried starting fast and that has yet to work for me.  Fingers crossed, this strategy makes it happen.

BQ or die.  At least for 2012.


  1. You can do it! We are all rooting for you!! :)

  2. YOU GOT IT!! It's going to be awesome!! And no worries... the -5 CAN NOT fill it up today... they are collecting all of the applications until tomorrow night and then taking the fastest times first. So when you BQ tomorrow by over 5 minutes you can apply and you are no worse off than someone who does this morning. :) Then notifications go out Monday morning, and if there is still space it opens to all BQers (with fastest times getting the spots). Yay!!! YOU GOT IT.

  3. Girl. Girl. Girl.
    I big puffy heart you.

    Go. Freaking. Get. It.

  4. You go girl! Your best is your best & I can't wait to read about the results.

  5. Good luck! Whatever happens enjoy each moment as you go!

  6. Own it. I'll be cheering for you. Good luck!!

  7. I am volunteering at a first aid station this year. I'll cheer for you when you run by!

  8. Go get it! I think Boston will be waiting for you on Monday!

  9. Yahooooo! Boston is a DREAM! You are gonna get it!! GOOD LUCK!

  10. Good luck tomorrow! You are all over that BQ. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  11. You've got it. Run strong & run happy :)

  12. Dawn I wish you ALL the best! no fear! go for it...I admire your tenacity! You can do it.

  13. Good luck. Start off easy and bring it home strong.
